Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I share with you a poem

Hey, all. Just wanted to share a poem with you that was written by a classmate of mine in Creative Writing class last year. I feel it to be especially timely.

Consumer’s Digest or Driving is Cheaper
-by Erin Morash

Fill the car
@ They-must-be-kidding-per litre
1 bag of thick ridge
ripple chips a coke
and a chocolate bar
ignore a lunch of slowly
warming carrots sticks
bottled water and a granola bar

Fill the car
@ I’ll-have-to-use-my-Visa-per litre
1 bag of nachos a paper
I’ll never read and a lunch
of coffee fries a burger
and I’m driving half asleep

Fill the car
@ Numb-to-the-expense-per litre
staying at my cousin’s
(to save hotel)
we go out to supper
what the heck, dessert’s my treat
stay up too late

Fill the car
@ Mountain-scenery-is-extra-per litre
use paper to line the toilet seat
don’t touch the taps
a package of gum a map
of western cities a paperback
whose shiny cover catches my eye
(because Catcher in the Rye is not a
travel read)

Fill the car
@ Last-fill-before-the-coast-per litre
and making up time with
nothing left but limp
carrot sticks warm water
and pallid muffins

stiff and slumped
two and a half thousand
klicks minus 326 dollars
and eighty four cents
plus 3 pounds gained
(of course that’s water weight)
less one pound of muscle mass

Ten days later
face the other way
Fill the car


At 9:08 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I CAN HARDLY WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Cody and Rachel said...

hmm... i think i like poem and i like trip.

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Cody and Rachel said...

I was just on the 'Price is Right' website and it looked like there wasn't any tapings schedule for the week we are there. Am I missing something????? Can't wait for lunch tomorrow!

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Cody and Rachel said...

hey guys! Naomi here, the fourth, somewhat tardy member of the 'fourpeopleinacar' road trip of December '06. Glad to finally meet you guys. Looking forward to this amazing trip!!


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